Scott Naugler

Clinical Advisor at Ambys Medicines

Willscott (Scott) Naugler, M.D., graduated from Rhodes College with a B.A. in Creative Writing, then attended the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). He was a resident in Internal Medicine at Oregon Health & Sciences University (OHSU). Scott then completed a Gastroenterology & Hepatology fellowship at the University of California San Diego, where he also studied liver cancer and inflammation as a post-doctoral fellow in the laboratory of Michael Karin.

Scott joined the faculty at OHSU in 2007 as a transplant hepatologist, while also working for 10 years in the laboratory of Markus Grompe, studying liver regeneration and liver cancer. In 2011 he took on the roles of Medical Director of Liver Transplant and of the Multidisciplinary Liver Tumor Group. Scott serves on the Board of Directors of UNOS, the federal body that manages all solid organ transplants in the U.S., and is passionate about caring for patients with chronic liver disease and liver cancer.