Ambys Medicines


Ambys Medicines is a biotechnology company focused on discovering and developing regenerative and restorative therapies for people with advanced liver disease. Founded by world-renowned experts in liver disease and regenerative medicine, Ambys is pioneering the application of novel modalities includ... Read more

Org chart

John Choi's profile picture
John Choi
VP, Regulatory Affairs
John McKeon's profile picture
John McKeon
VP, Finance
Stanley Hollenbach's profile picture
Stanley Hollenbach
SVP, Pharmacology
Priyadarshini Podishetti's profile picture
Priyadarshini Podishetti
Senior Quality Assurance Engineer
Abeba Demelash Ph.D.'s profile picture
Abeba Demelash Ph.D.
Senior Scientist I
Gabriel Peixoto's profile picture
Gabriel Peixoto
Senior Research Associate II
Gaetano ‘Nino’ Faleo's profile picture
Gaetano ‘Nino’ Faleo
Senior Scientist II
Padma Priya Togarrati, Ph.D., RAPS
Lead Senior Scientist [Bioanalytical]
Tejon McRae
Process Development Scientist
Maggie Wong
Director, People Operations
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