David Maris

David Maris has been a private investor with Phalanx Investment Partners, LLC, an investment advisor, since January 2020. From December 2015 to December 2019, he was a managing director and equity research analyst at Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, an investment bank. From January 2013 to December 2015, Mr. Maris served as a managing director and equity research analyst at Bank of Montreal, an investment bank. He previously served as a healthcare industry equity analyst for several other investment banks, including Aros Securities (a Scandinavian bank), Bear Stearns and Company, Credit Suisse, Bank of America, and Credit Agricole-CLSA. Mr. Maris currently serves as a member of the American Finance Association and National Association of Corporate Directors. He holds a B.A. from the University of Delaware and an M.B.A. from Vanderbilt University’s Owen Graduate School of Management.