Anadolu Etap


Anadolu Etap was established in 2010 with the partnership of the Anadolu Group and Özgörkey Holding, envisioning the strategic importance of agriculture in Turkey’s future and the need for quality fruit and juice on the market. It is the first agricultural company in Turkey to publish the "Sustain... Read more


İstanbul, Turkey




Org chart

Ahmet Elgin
Group Information Technology Manager
Basri̇ Telli̇
Technical Manager
Semih Yalçındağ
Planning And System Development Manager
Baris Algul
Budget And Reporting Manager
Mehmet Alpar
HR Group Manager / Head Of HR
Joseph Edward
Commercial Manager Middle East And Africa
Emre Acar
Logistics Manager
Mutlu Ocak
General Manager
Rahime Eker
Quality Chief
Aybüke Açıkalın
Executive Assistant To CEO
Aydan Ilgaz
Executive Assistant To CEO - Fresh Fruit & Plantation
Semih Can
Kidemli̇ Paketleme Uzmani