Danny W. Pimienta

Founder & Chief Technology Officer at Apparl, LLC.

Danny is responsible for long term technology direction and overseeing Apparl's technical architecture. Prior to founding Apparl, Danny was owner of both web development and mobile application development companies where he led the development of many websites and mobile applications for iOS, Android, webOS and others. Earlier in his career he worked at UNISYS, iBelong Networks, Hewlett-Packard, and other Fortune 500 companies. Today, Danny has amassed a successful track record in software development, being a self-taught programmer since the late 90's to being an up and coming developer today. His unquenchable thirst for learning will always keep him on the bleeding edge of technology. He likes all things related to aviation, when he as time, he likes to run and train for road races. He uses various developer groups to stay abreast of the local tech scene and leverages the wealth of knowledge his fellow developers share.
