Willian Vinicius de Moura Ribeiro

Customer Success Analyst at Aprova Digital

Willian Vinicius de Moura Ribeiro has held several positions in the past few years. From 2022 to present, they have been a Customer Success Analyst at Aprova Digital. In 2021, they were an Engenheiro Civil and an Estagiário at T.S.I. Incorporadora E Construtora. In 2020, they were an Estagiário at Marcio Rafael Stoffel Engenharia Eireli.

Willian Vinicius de Moura Ribeiro completed their Bacharelado em Engenharia in Engenharia Civil at the Federal University of Technology - Parana from 2016 to 2021. Willian then obtained various certifications from Codecademy, including the Learn JavaScript: Arrays and Loops Course, Learn JavaScript: Functions and Scope Course, Learn JavaScript: Fundamentals Course, Learn JavaScript: Iterators Course, Learn JavaScript: Objects Course, Learn JavaScript Course, Learn Bootstrap Course, Learn CSS Course, and Learn HTML Course, between July 2022 and January 2023.
