Army Dog Center Gujranwala 03458966073

03458966073 at Army Dog Center Gujranwala 03458966073

Army Dog Center Gujranwala03458966073: Specially Trained Detective Dogs Helping Solve Criminal Cases

Criminals beware! Pakistan’s Army Dog Center in Gujranwala has some powerful four-legged detectives on the prowl. These specially trained dogs are equipped with sharp senses and a nose that can sniff out clues to help solve complex criminal cases. From murder to kidnapping and robbery, these dogs have been instrumental in assisting the police force in bringing culprits to justice. In this article, we’ll explore the history, training, and success stories of the Army Dog Center Gujranwala.


The Army Dog Center Gujranwala is a specialized unit of the Pakistan Army that trains and deploys dogs for detecting explosives, narcotics, and tracking down criminals. These dogs are used in law enforcement agencies, the military, and civilian search and rescue operations.

History of Army Dog Center Gujranwala

The Army Dog Center Gujranwala was established in 1980 and since then, it has played a pivotal role in solving criminal cases. The center is equipped with state-of-the-art training facilities and a team of expert trainers who ensure that the dogs are trained to perform their duties with utmost efficiency.


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