Kristin Welo

Event & Artful Impact Director at Artful

As Director of Community Relations and Artful's philanthropic program Artful Impact, Kristin has combined her longtime interest in nonprofit work with her more recently acquired passion for art. Formerly a trust and estate attorney, with an LLM in Tax Law, she spent ten years providing tax, estate, and charitable planning advice for corporate executives and family business owners at the accounting firm Coopers & Lybrand and the asset manager State Street Global Advisors.

Since retiring to raise her family and become more involved in her own personal charitable endeavors, which have included leadership roles with the Boston Public Library Foundation and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, she has become an ardent collector of works from leading contemporary female artists (including Cynthia Daignault, Sheila Hicks, Yayoi Kusama, and Vija Celmins).

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