Harvey Hoyt

Consulting Medical Director at ATTODX

Dr. Hoyt has extensive knowledge of the Biotechnology and Diagnostics industries, based on decades of experience with multi-national corporations and startups including thirteen years at Baxter International (Vice President, Baxter DX Group), and followed years at other medical diagnostics and supply companies. In the pharmaceutical industry, Dr Hoyt has managed (therapeutics, in-vitro diagnostics, and biologics) in R&D, technical development, business development, and general management at the COO and CEO levels. He has taken two companies public as CEO, had P&L responsibilities, formulated strategic and operational business plans,developed organizations, partnered with industries and universities, licensed products in and out, and raised investments for start-ups having been involved in over $250 million of private and public equity funding. Dr. Hoyt has played key roles in gaining FDA approval of eighty 510(k) and nineteen new drug applications and product marketing applications. These products have annual sales exceeding $7 billion. Dr. Hoyt received his M.D. from Washington University St. Louis, Missouri.

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