Aviation Training Consulting


At Aviation Training Consulting, we know that trust is earned, not given. It takes years of dedication to attain, and it can be lost in an instant. That’s why the most discerning government and private-sector organizations trust us to achieve their mission-critical operations, and provide the most a... Read more


Altus, US




Org chart

Robert Cox

Carly Mcdavid
Vice President Corporate Operations
Dennis Stephens
Vice President International Operations
Kelly Hines
Vice President Domestic Operations
Michael Young
Vice President Planning And Development
Philip Cox
Vice President Finance
Jack S.
Director Of Business Development
Mark Gibson
Program Manager
Devin Tyler
Contract Mh-60r Instructor Pilot
Eugene B.
Program Manager / Chief Pilot
James Beier
Kc-130j Loadmaster Instructor
James V.
Flight Simulator Operator
Jeff Morgan
Kc-130j Crew Chief Instructor
Marshall Bennett
Expert Instructor Pilot
William Petri
Aviation Instructor