Arthur Plessis

Monteur Frigoriste - Référent ESP at Axima Réfrigération France

Arthur Plessis currently works at Axima Réfrigération France as a Monteur frigoriste - Référent ESP, having joined in July 2021 with a goal to transition into a Chargé d’Affaires position. In February 2023, Arthur decided to enhance practical skills in the field. Prior to this role, Arthur held positions at CSM 53 as a Technicien bureau d’études, focusing on project estimation and execution, and worked as a student employee at MediaClinic Franchise. Arthur holds a Licence professionnelle in Chargé d’affaires en thermique du bâtiment from CCI Maine-et-Loire Formation and a BTS in Fluide Energie Domotique from Lycée Jean Moulin - Angers, along with a Baccalauréat in Architecture et Construction from Lycée Réaumur.
