Giovanni Beliossi

Business Advisor at Axyon AI

Giovanni Beliossi is a Business Advisor at Axyon AI. Giovanni has extensive experience in the financial sector, having served as Managing Partner at FGS Capital, Associate Director at Hedge Funds, and Consultant at BARRA INTERNATIONAL, LLC. Giovanni has also been involved with Astarte Capital Partners LLP and Auriel Capital Limited, where they served as Director and Advisor. At Auriel, Giovanni led the push from internally-managed AUM to external capital by introducing, negotiating, and managing a strategic capital provision agreement with a premier Nordic institution. Giovanni has also built an institutional-level client pipeline based on their existing relations. Additionally, Giovanni renegotiated execution, trading and financing terms at Auriel, which resulted in a 66% reduction in commission-related trading costs.

Giovanni Beliossi has a Master of Arts in Financial Economics from the University of Essex and a Laurea in Economics from Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna. Giovanni also has certification from the CFA Institute in CFA and certification from Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili in Abilitazione Professione Dottore Commercialista.


  • Business Advisor

    Current role