Aya Data


Aya Data delivers quality data annotation services and thrives on AI/ML projects with complex requirements and demanding timelines. In addition to our core service, we offer value-added services, including data collection and ML Ops. We support innovative organizations and teams solving complex... Read more






Org chart

Freddie Monk

Ama Larbi-Siaw
Co-Founder & COO
Rita Atta
Chief of Staff
Jesslin Hammond
HR Manager
Simone Fugar
Product Manager
Henry Ahiatsi
Finance Manager
Stephen Owusu
Technology Lead
Godfred Tieku Kwarteng
Quality Assurance Lead
Mawuena Agbley
Training Lead
Enel Acquaye
Quality Assurance Lead
Stephanie Akoto
Finance Assistant
Caleb Siaw Darfour
Process Analyst
Emmanuel Acquah Aggrey
Quality Assurance Lead
Mark Charles–Debrah
Quality Assurance Lead
Kevin Aholou
Training Assistant
Anthony Iphy
Business Development Representative
Michael Gagakuma
Senior Account Executive
Sharon Iphy
Quality Assurance Analyst
Prince Oberko
Data Protection Officer
Ama Ls
Co-founder And COO