Michelle Bonito

Account Representative at AZ Litho

Michelle has worked in the printing industry for over 30 years, and has been with AZ Litho since 1998. In that time, the printing industry has changed tremendously, presenting new challenges and opportunities that Michelle was quick to recognize and embrace.

She has made a successful career working with a wide array of clientele, displaying expertise in a variety of print products. She is especially well versed in all types of packaging and sub-components such as folding cartons, clam card inserts, manuals and instruction sheets. But don’t be misled; she loves the challenge of custom commercial projects too.

Michelle’s expertise and dedication has helped many projects become awarding pieces in the Print Industry. Perhaps Michelle’s greatest asset is the ability to keep simple jobs simple, make complex jobs appear routine, and to turn the seemingly impossible into something doable.


  • Account Representative

    Current role