Micaela Pesce Neira

Instructora Certificada Independiente Baby Signs® Chile at Baby Signs

Micaela Pesce Neira is an experienced Fonoaudióloga with a degree in Fonoaudiología from Universidad del Desarrollo, attained between 2012 and 2017. Currently serving at Jardín y Sala Cuna Happy Home since January 2021, Micaela also works as an Independent Certified Instructor for Baby Signs® Chile, a position held since April 2019. Additionally, Micaela has provided Fonoaudiología services as an independent professional since January 2018, and previously worked at Jardín Infantil y Sala Cuna L'Albero Montessori and Más Palabras, both from March 2019 to March 2020 and December 2018 to March 2020, respectively, where Micaela contributed to educational workshops designed by Fonoaudiólogas.
