Banco Central do Brasil

1 follower

The Central Bank of Brazil is the Brazilian monetary authority, responsible for guaranteeing the purchasing power of the national currency. Among its main activities are: - ensuring the adequate liquidity of the economy; - promote the stability and improvement of the financial system.



Brasília, Brazil




Org chart

Júlio César Costa Pinto
Head of Monetary Policy

Júlio César Costa Pinto

Alexandre Forte Maia
Chief Of Staff At The General Counsels Office
José Luiz B Fernandes
Head Of Risk Department
Filipe Silva
Lead Software Architect
Luiz Gustavo Berno Lopes
Head Of Information Governance Office
Rodrigo Barbone Gonzalez
Senior Economist
Daniel Palaro Canhete
Deputy Chief Of Department At Central Bank Of Brazil
José Américo Pereira Antunes
Coordenador De Supervisão Bancária