
1 follower

Our building is temporarily closed. But we’re still with you. If you find yourself in need of some inspiration – or distraction – we’ll always have something for you to read, watch or listen to.




Org chart

Gali Gold
Head, Cinema
Adrian Morgan
Head, Commercial Development
Cornell Farrell
Head, Engineering & Projects
Lee Dobson
Head, Event Management
Jo Davis
Head, Retail
Andrew Hayes
Head, Systems & Data
Toni Racklin
Head, Theatre & Dance
Jackie Boughton
Head, Business Events
Karena Johnson
Head, Creative Collaboration
Shanay Jhaveri
Head, Visual Arts
Emma Green
Head, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
James Tringham
Head, Communications
Maria Carroll
Head, Philanthropy
Emmylou Orton
Head of Corporate Partnerships
Jenny Waller
Head of Sales
Eddie Shelter
Acting Head of Music
Sheree Miller
Deputy Head, Audience Experience & Operations
Jackie Ellis
Interim Head of Marketing
Will Gompertz
Artistic Director
Natasha Harris
Director, Development
Nick Adams
Strategic Project Lead, Barbican Renewal
Beth Bryan
Barbican Futures Planning Officer (audience Strategy Lead)
Udhay Bhakoo
Group Accountant