BBB National Programs

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BBB National Programs is where companies, industry experts, and trade associations work together within a self-regulatory environment to foster industry best practices in truth-in-advertising, child-directed marketing, data privacy, and dispute resolution.





Org chart

Eric D. Reicin
President & Chief Executive Officer

Eric D. Reicin

Vickie McCormick
Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operating Officer
Mary K. Engle
Executive Vice President, Policy
Juan Herrera
Vice President, Dispute Resolution Programs
Laura Brett
Vice President, New York Office Leader
Maureen Enright
Vice President, Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative
Michelle R. Harris
Vice President, National Partners & Business Development
Peter C. Marinello
Vice President, Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council
Justin Connor
Executive Director, The Center for Industry Self-Regulation
Amy Clark
Chief Human Resources Officer
James A Boyle
Chief Marketing And Communications Officer
Nancy M. Burke
Vice President, National Partners & Business Development