Lesli Smith

Account Manager at BDA

No bio yet

Work style

How I prefer to work

Remote & Office


Mostly in a team

Qualities I value in my colleagues

  • Honesty
  • team spirit
  • adaptability
  • sense of humor
  • tenacity

My communication style

  • Open
  • genuine
  • polite
  • curious
  • positive

My pet peeves

  • Close-mindedness
  • ungratefulness
  • disrespectfulness
  • dishonesty
  • inauthenticity

Fun fact

One of my goals is to see a baseball game in every MLB park. I have 19 so far.

Personal Q&A

  • How would your best friend describe you in 1 sentence?

    My best friend’s nickname for me is Sunshine. So that would how she describes me.


  • Account Manager

    Current role