Berkshire Hathaway Energy


Berkshire Hathaway Energy is a global leader in the production, transportation and delivery of energy from a variety of fuel





Org chart

William J. Fehrman's profile picture
William J. Fehrman
President and CEO, Berkshire Hathaway Energy
Profile photo

William J. Fehrman

Douglas A. Cannon's profile picture
Douglas A. Cannon
President and CEO, NV Energy
Gino A. Belfari's profile picture
Gino A. Belfari
CEO, HomeServices of America, Inc.
Mark A. Hewett's profile picture
Mark A. Hewett
President and CEO, BHE Pipeline Group
Natalie L. Hocken's profile picture
Natalie L. Hocken
Senior Vice President and General Counsel
Philip A. Jones' profile picture
Philip A. Jones
President and CEO, Northern Powergrid
Scott Thon's profile picture
Scott Thon
President and CEO, AltaLink
Cindy Crane
CEO, PacifiCorp
Alicia R. Knapp
President and CEO, BHE RenewablesWebsite View Bio
Kelcey A. Brown
President and CEO, MidAmerican Energy Company
Michael A. Ball
SVP & Chief Security Officer
Jennifer A. McIvor
SVP & Chief Environment & Sustainability Officer
R. Patrick Reiten
SVP, Public Policy
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