Yvonne Wende is the founder, CEO, and principal of Berlin Cosmopolitan School since September 2004. Prior to that, Yvonne founded Grüner Salon an der Volksbühne in 1995 and held the title of Gründerin des Grünen Salons in der Volksbühne until July 2017. Yvonne holds a Diplom as Lehrer from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, with a Diplomarbeit in Tadshikische Literatur and a minor in BWL. Yvonne also obtained a Dolmetscher degree in Russian and Tadshik Language and Literature from Lomonosov Moscow State University. Yvonne completed their Abitur from 16.0S Berlin Lichtenberg und KGO in Treptow and holds a degree in Translation from Lomonosov Moscow State University.
September, 2004 - present