BHDP Architecture


BHDP is an award-winning architectural firm that has been creating spaces and environments around the globe for 80+ years. Headquartered in Cincinnati, OH, with locations in Columbus, OH; Raleigh, NC; and Charlotte, NC; we strive to bring the highest level of service to clients. BHDP is recognized... Read more


Cincinnati, US




Org chart

Michael Habel
Chief Executive Officer

Michael Habel

Tim Lipps
Director Of Information Technology
Michael D. Verdier P.e.
Vice President Market Leader Integrated Industrial Design
Ap Pamela McDonel
Design Leader | Owner/vp
Rebecca Coleman
Vice President Of People
T. Rusty Elchert
Director Of Operations - Workplace Market
David Johnson Aia, Ncarb, Ap
President & COO | Partner
Timothy Mueller
Chief Financial Officer
Daniel Lessing Ap Cem
Client Leader / Director Of Business Development
Emily English
Senior Marketing Coordinator
Kaitlyn Dwenger
Marketing And Communications Specialist
Katie Varatta
Senior Marketing Coordinator
Lucy Mathis
Marketing Coordinator
Sam Behrmann
Marketing Coordinator