Gregor Lauenburger

Pastoralkurs-ausbildungsbeglleitung at Bistum Essen

Gregor Lauenburger has extensive experience in pastoral care and education, serving as Pastoralkurs-Ausbildungsbegleitung and Gemeindereferent at Bistum Essen since 1996, focusing on children and youth ministry, family counseling, event organization, sacramental care, and public relations. In addition, Lauenburger works as a Referent für Berufungspastoral, assisting individuals returning to the Catholic Church and promoting the church as an employer. Since November 2014, Lauenburger has also been providing spiritual guidance as Schulseelsorger at Mariengymnasium Essen-Werden, supporting students, parents, faculty, and those exploring Catholicism. Earlier professional experience includes working as a Bankkaufmann at Dresdner Bank ZAO from 1986 to 1989. Lauenburger holds a Diplom in Religionspädagogik from KFH NW Paderborn and a Fachhochschulreife in Economics from Städtische Berufsbildende Schule für Wirtschaft, Recht und Verwaltung in Duisburg.


Essen, Germany

