The Pastoral Development and Education team at Bistum Essen focuses on enhancing and supporting the spiritual and educational initiatives within the diocese. They oversee the training and development of pastoral staff, manage educational programs, and facilitate projects aimed at fostering community engagement and cultural development. Additionally, they provide strategic guidance on the repurposing of church properties to better serve local needs.
Dr. Daniel Bugiel
Büroleiter Des Bischofshauses ...
Gregor Lauenburger
Ingelore Engbrocks
Jens Albers
Stellvertretender Pressesprech...
Judith Wolf
Leitung Ressort Kulturentwickl...
Manuel Sandner
Personalsachbearbeiter Im Bere...
Marlies Woltering
Referentin Für Projekte Im Ber...
Sarah Engels
Persönliche Referentin Des Gen...
Susanne Scholz
Referentin Für Die Umnutzung K...
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