Boat Rocker Media


Boat Rocker Media is a global content creator producing and distributing high quality and award winning entertainment for television, film, and digital.






Org chart

John Young
CEO, Boat Rocker Media

John Young

Jason Weinberg
Co-Founder, Untitled Entertainment
Stephanie Simon
Co-Founder, Untitled Entertainment
Ivan Schneeberg
Executive Chairman, Boat Rocker Media & Chairman, Boat Rocker Studios
David Fortier
Executive Chairman, Boat Rocker Media & Chairman, Boat Rocker Studios
Michel Pratte
President, Boat Rocker Media & General Manager, Boat Rocker Studios
Jon Rutherford
President, Boat Rocker Studios, Kids & Family & Rights
Kyle MacDougall
President, Jam Filled
Judy Adam
CFO, Boat Rocker Media
Samantha Traub
Chief Corporate Officer & General Counsel, Boat Rocker Media
Cindy Brown
EVP, Human Resources, Boat Rocker Media
Dan Selig
Svp, Content Sales
Erik Pack
Svp, Global Sales & Co-production, Boat Rocker Studios
Gia Delaney
Senior Vice President, Global Sales, Kids & Family
Marcy Patterson
SVP Of Production
John Hickson
Vice President, Technology
Aaron Pearce
Vice President Information Technology