The E-commerce and Digital Operations team at Bokusgruppen is responsible for driving online sales and enhancing the digital customer experience across its brands, including Bokus and Akademibokhandeln. They oversee the development and management of e-commerce strategies, optimize product categories, and ensure seamless operations on digital platforms, all with the goal of promoting reading enjoyment for everyone, every day.
Emil Wikström
Ecommerce Architect
Gustaf Romell
Ecommerce Manager
Isabel Rodrigo
Head of Category
Kristin Otterstål
E Handelskoordinator
Lotten Löfberg
Category manager non-fiction b...
Magnus Svensson Brag...
Category Manager Humanities, S...
Patrik Övreby
Business Director Bokus Play
Rickard Lundqvist
Affärsansvarig Bokus Play
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