Lupe Lopez

Director, Multimedia Strategy & Execution at Bottlecapps

Marketing specialist? Isn't that what people who don't have a specific skill claim to be? Sometimes. But not this time. Having worked on a marketing team for a national staffing firm, then leaving there to start his own video production company, Lupe has learned how to make sure Bottlecapps is both seen and heard. And in today's cluttered and over-saturated world of messages, this ain't all that easy.

To make sure Bottlecapps grabs attention, Lupe not only stays within trends but strives to pioneer new ideas and strategies. After all, you can fly with the flock for only so long before you need to break away and look for the airstreams less traveled. Or something like that.

Lupe graduated from the University of North Texas. A football powerhouse that once lost to Portland State 66-7, one of the most embarrassing losses ever of a larger division college team to a smaller division opponent.