David Furniss

David has over 38 years’ experience in the Financial Services sector, most recently as Group Chief Executive of Teachers Assurance, the Bournemouth-based provider of insurance, savings and investments to the education profession. David was appointed Chairman of Benenden Healthcare in July 2017.

Prior to that he had been General Manager of BMA Services, the financial services arm of the British Medical Association.

David is a business graduate, Chartered Insurer and a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

David has extensive UK Corporate Governance and company chairperson experience and has sat on committees including Audit and Compliance, Investment, Risk, Nominations and Remuneration. David has senior expertise in strategic planning, and the setting, delivery of, and monitoring performance against operational plans in complex and highly regulated organisations.

David was appointed Chair of the University Board from 11 July 2022, and is Chair of the Nominations Committee and Student Experience, Quality & Standards Committee.
