Jacqueline Hunter

Chairperson at Brainomix

Prof Jacqueline (“Jackie”) Hunter (CBE FMedSci FBPharmacolS FRSB FZL Ph.D. Hons DSc) has had over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. She led neurology and gastrointestinal drug discovery and early clinical development for GlaxoSmithKline, bringing a number of drug molecules to proof of concept in patients. In 2010, after leaving GSK, she established her own company, OIPharmaPartners, to drive open innovation in the life sciences. From 2013-2016 she was Chief Executive of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and then moved to BenevolentAI, a company using AI to drive innovation in pharmaceutical R&D. She remains a Board Director of BenevolentAI, is Chair of the Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst, and Chair of the Trustees of The Sainsbury Laboratories in Norwich. She is also a visiting professor at St Georges Hospital Medical School and Imperial College London.