Brigham Young University


Brigham Young University (BYU), located in Provo, Utah, United States, is a private, coeducational research university owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is the oldest existing institution within the LDS Church Educational System, is America's largest religious university,... Read more




Org chart

Shane Reese's profile picture
Shane Reese
Profile photo

Shane Reese

Steve Hafen's profile picture
Steve Hafen
Administration VP & CFO
Brian Radford's profile picture
Brian Radford
Information Technology VP & CIO
Steve Sandberg's profile picture
Steve Sandberg
Assistant to the President & General Counsel
Hal Boyd's profile picture
Hal Boyd
Chief of Staff
Julie Franklin's profile picture
Julie Franklin
Student Life Vice President
Keith Vorkink's profile picture
Keith Vorkink
Advancement Vice President
Renata Forste
International Vice President
Justin Collings
Academic Vice President
Carl Hernandez
Belonging Vice President
Carri Jenkins
Assistant to the President, University Communications
Rosemary Thackeray
Assistant to the President, Assessment & Planning
Wendy Duran
Executive Assistant to the President