Camden County College


Camden County College is one of the largest, most comprehensive community colleges in New Jersey and the surrounding region and is a vital resource for transfer education, workforce training, and cultural event.

Org chart

Donald A. Borden's profile picture
Profile photo

Donald A. Borden

David Edwards' profile picture
David Edwards
EVP for Academic and Student Affairs
Lovell Pugh-Bassett's profile picture
Lovell Pugh-Bassett
Acting VP for Institutional Effectiveness, Advancement & Strategic Initiative
Helen Antonakakis' profile picture
Helen Antonakakis
ED, Finance & Planning
Anne Daly-Eimer
Executive Dean, Title IX Coordinator
Maris Kukainis' profile picture
Maris Kukainis
ED, Financial Administrative Services
Kathie Kane's profile picture
Kathie Kane
ED of Human Resources
Jack Post
Chief Information Officer


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