Mohammad Ahmad (Const/Let)

Senior Software Engineer at Carbonteq

Software Engineer in MERN Stack (MySQL/MongoDB, React, Node and Express/Nestjs).

I also like Rust 🦀 and Python 🐍.


Lahore, Pakistan


Org chart

Work style

How I prefer to work

Remote & Office


Mostly on my own

Qualities I value in my colleagues

  • Honesty
  • politeness
  • patience
  • sense of humor
  • openness

They should be someone who I can rely on without being an emotional burden on them or they being an emotional burden on me.

My communication style

  • Articulate
  • assertive
  • positive
  • calm
  • open

Being a debator and leading a debating union for 2 years so I am highly argumentative and persuasive when I communicate. Also, I like to use Paralinguistics a lot which might catch some people by surprise.

My pet peeves

  • Inauthenticity
  • unreliability
  • impatience
  • micromanagement
  • disrespectfulness

Bad workplace examples: TKXEL, X Corp (Formerly Twitter), Naughty Dog Studio, Amy's baking company.

Fun fact

I can pick locks