Hugh Tilson

Dr. Tilson M.D. (Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 1964), Dr.P.H. (Harvard School of Public Health 1972) has spent fifteen years each in public service, the multinational pharmaceutical industry, and academia, and continues as an active consultant and researcher. Recognized as a public health systems and workforce, pharmacoepidemiology, and outcomes researcher focusing on drug safety, he is a Lifetime National Associate of the National Academies of Science. He recently completed his duties as member of the national Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). At Carolina Meadows, he has been an active volunteer and committee member/chair. Among others, he has served as an officer for the Resident Health and Wellness Committee; the Medical Ambassadors; the ad hoc task force on the future of the Pines; the “Connect and Engage” Taskforce; Carolina Meadows University; UNC TV Annual Fund Drive; and as a Precinct Representative to the RA Council. He and his wife received the 2015 CM Residents’ Association Presidents Award. They are proud parents of four offspring, proud in-laws of their spouses, and happy grandparents to eleven.