Dr. Kramer was born in Hartford Connecticut. She received her MD degree from UNC-Chapel Hill in 1977. Her professional career has included direct patient care, clinical research, and scientific administration. In 2018 Judith and her husband Lloyd moved to Carolina Meadows, where she is a very active member of the community. In 2020 she joined the Health and Wellness Committee (HWC), where she chaired the Subcommittee on the New Pines and the Subcommittee on the Emergency Medical Assistance Program. In June 2022 she was appointed Chair of the HWC for her dedication on the health and wellbeing of the community. In addition to her volunteer activities, Judith likes to keep physically active, taking advantage of the Carolina Meadows exercise programs with yoga twice weekly and NIA dance weekly and maintaining close relations with friends and relatives outside of Carolina Meadows. During the last 8 years, she has been learning classical piano.