Scott Fisher

Member, Scientific Advisory Board at Cellular Logistics

Dr. Fisher has a diverse background across pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device, and diagnostics sectors. Early in his career, he was a member of the team that developed the formulation of ABRAXANE®. He has been involved in the SARM program at GTx Therapeutics, the drug-coated balloon & TAVR programs at Boston Scientific, novel gene therapy programs at Juventas Therapeutics, Xogenex & CavoGene, brought Patient Burden Index® to market at Medidata. Dr. Fisher is currently the Head of Academic Collaborations at Exact Sciences. He is an advocate for the advancement of regenerative medicine and the earlier detection of disease. Dr. Fisher earned his bachelor’s degree at the University of Dayton, his master’s degree at Ohio State University, and his doctorate at the University of Maryland, where he was an NIH pre-doctoral fellow. He was the first-ever Rathmann Family Foundation post-doctoral fellow at the University of Maryland-Baltimore Office of Research and Development and the Baltimore Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center.