Central Bank of Egypt

1 follower


The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) is an autonomous regulatory body, assuming the authorities and powers vested therein by Law No. 88 for 2003, and the Presidential Decree No. 65 for 2004.



Cairo, Egypt




Org chart

Tarek Amer
Governor of the Central Bank of Egypt

Tarek Amer

Gamal Negm
Deputy Governor
Rami Abulnaga
Deputy Governor
May Abulnaga
First Sub Governor, Governor's Office
Amany Shams Eldin
First Sub Governor, Banking Operations
Mohamed Abou Moussa
Sub Governor - Banking Supervision
Khaled Farouk
Sub-Governor, Banknote Printing House
Sherif Hazem
Sub-Governor, Cyber Security
Ayman Hussein
Sub Governor, Information Technology
Hatem Ibrahim
Sub Governor, Risk Management & Information Security
Hebatallah AbouRabia
Sub Governor, Human Resources
Adel Ibrahim
Assistant Sub Governor, Economic Research
Rania Toubar
Sub Governor, Risk Management Reform & Large Corporate Sector
Tarek Fahmy
Sub Governor - Internal Audit - Central Bank Of Egypt
Sherif Ashour
Sub Governor of Basel Sector, Banking Supervision
Sally Refaat
Sub Governor, Markets
Mennatallah Farid
Sub Governor, Foreign Relations
Ashraf Bahie
Sub Governor Licensing, Banking Supervision
Rana Badawi
Sub Governor of Regulations, Banking Supervision
Essam Barakat
Assistant Sub Governor, Money Laundering & Terrorism Financing Combating Sector
Hazem Emira
Assistant Sub Governor Money Laundering & Terrorism Financing Combating Sector
Ghada Kandil
Assistant Sub Governor, Corporate Communication
Ehab Nasr
Assistant Sub Governor, Payment Systems & Services
Wael Abdel Dayem
Assistant Sub Governor, Financial Management
Mervat Elleethy
Assistant Sub Governor, Financial Management
Ayman Goubran
Assistant Sub Governor, Administration