City Health Care Partnership CIC


A provider of high quality, safe health and care services to people in Hull, the East Riding of Yorkshire, Knowsley, St Helens and Wigan. Commissioned by the NHS and local authorities, we are a co-owned, socially responsible business. Our profits are re-invested into our services, our staff and the... Read more






Org chart

Andrew Burnell
Chief Executive

Andrew Burnell

Yvonne Elliott
Managing Director
Christy Francis
Deputy Chief Operating Officer & Chief AHP
Josh Willey
HR Project Lead
Miriam Sykes
Equality Diversity And Inclusion Lead
Sarah Holden
Head Of Service- Public Health North West
Andy Robinson
Service Improvement Lead
Claire Glover
Operations Manager
Claire Haughey
Operations Manager
Ian Grout Cmgr Fcmi
Senior Information Systems Manager
Lee Hickson
Senior Information Systems Manager
Lee Russell
Senior Information Systems Manager
Mike Cosgrove
Senior Programme Manager
Stuart Cook
Service Delivery Manager
Samantha Barber
Senior Administrator