Joshua A. Fiske

Vice President For Information Technology And Libraries at Clarkson University

Joshua Fiske has served as the Chief Information Officer at Clarkson University since 2013. In this role, he oversees the Office of Information Technology as well as sets IT direction and coordinates infrastructure and service delivery across the University. Josh excels at solving challenging problems using appropriate technology.

Josh has been on the Clarkson campus for more than twenty years. He began as a student, completed two degrees, and then moved to a full-time role in the Office of Information Technology. Josh began his career as a Sr. Systems Analyst responsible for Linux server and network administration. In this role, he was responsible for the first wide scale wireless network deployments on campus. A few years later, he was promoted to Manager of User Services, where his responsibility expanded to include all aspects of technical support for the campus. And in 2013, Josh was promoted to Chief Information Officer where he has responsibility for all aspects of the University's technology portfolio, including: information security, the Teaching and Learning Corner, networks and datacenters, administrative systems, and IT HelpDesk and support services.

In addition to his technology leadership, Josh serves as the University's Emergency Response Coordinator--a role in which he provides leadership, training and tools to facilitate efficient and safe campus response to a variety of emergent situations. And he leads the University's Enterprise Risk Management program, which identifies, prioritizes and implements mitigations to risks facing the University. Josh is also the Chair of the University's Administrative Council and a member of the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate.
