
1 follower

Founded in 1959, Codan Limited (ASX:CDA) is a group of electronics and engineering businesses that capitalises on its fundamental design and manufacturing skills to provide best-in-class electronics solutions applicable to global markets.





Org chart

Alf Ianniello's profile picture
Alf Ianniello
Managing Director & CEO
Profile photo

Alf Ianniello

Michael Barton's profile picture
Michael Barton
CFO & Company Secretary
Marjolijn Woods' profile picture
Marjolijn Woods
Chief Human Resource Officer
Scott French's profile picture
Scott French
Executive General Manager, Zetron
Daniel Hutchinson's profile picture
Daniel Hutchinson
Executive General Manager, Strategy, Corporate Development & M&A
Jack Sudarev
VP Engineering And Operations
Michael Demos' profile picture
Michael Demos
Senior VP - Codan US
Tina B.
Group Systems Manager

Board & advisors

Graeme Barclay
Non Executive Chair
Kathy Gramp
Independent Non-Executive Director
Heith Mackay-Cruise
Independent Non-Executive Director
Sarah Adam-Gedge
Independent Non-Executive Director