Sarah Gresset

Directrice Du Pôle Qualite De Vie Et Des Conditions De Travail at Communauté urbaine du Grand Reims

Sarah Gresset is currently the Directrice du pôle Qualite de vie et des conditions de travail at Communauté urbaine du Grand Reims. Previously, Sarah has held roles such as Directrice de projets RH and chargée de développement RH at various organizations. With a background in public affairs and administration, Sarah has also completed internships and stages at different municipalities and governmental bodies, focusing on topics such as gender equality, urban planning, and teleworking. Sarah's education includes a Master 2 in Public Affairs from the University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne and multiple degrees from esteemed institutions like Ecole normale supérieure and Institut National des Etudes Territoriales.
