Filipe Alcioni Silva

Superintendent Regional Business of the Greater Florianópolis Metropolitan Region at Companhia Catarinense de Aguas e Saneamento Casan

Civil Engineer from UFSC, with an MBA in Design, Execution and Control of Structures and Foundations (2016) and a Masters in Administration from Unisul, he joined CASAN in 2014.

He was Planning Advisor between July 2020 and March 2023, being responsible for managing the Company's budgetary and strategic planning.

He has also served as administrative manager, commanding the divisions of general services, transport, assets, budget and was also head of the budget division of engineering works in Project Management.

He is currently Secretary of the Technical Chamber of Business Management of the Brazilian Association of State Sanitation Companies (AESBE), collaborating with work aimed at promoting good practices on fronts such as strategies and plans, economic sustainability, governance, processes, people, technology and water management. information.
