Банк ВТБ


Банк ВТБ (Банк Москвы, ВТБ 24) предлагает весь перечень услуг по кредитованию физических лиц. Выгодные условия по потребительским кредитам, ипотеке, вкладам и кредитным картам. Размер максимального кредита для физ. лиц в ВТБ составляет 5 000 000 рублей.

Org chart

Andrey Kostin's profile picture
Andrey Kostin
President and Chairman
Profile photo

Andrey Kostin

Anatoly Pechatnikov's profile picture
Anatoly Pechatnikov
Deputy President and Chairman
Denis Bortnikov's profile picture
Denis Bortnikov
Deputy President and Chairman
Dmitriy Pianov's profile picture
Dmitriy Pianov
Member of VTB Bank Management Board
Erkin Norov's profile picture
Erkin Norov
Member of VTB Bank Management Board
Maxim Kondratenko's profile picture
Maxim Kondratenko
Member of VTB Bank Management Board
Vadim Kulik's profile picture
Vadim Kulik
Deputy President and Chairman of VTB Bank Management Board
Valery Lukyanenko
Deputy President and Chairman
Yuri Soloviev
First Deputy President and Chairman


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