Compassion in World Farming


Compassion in World Farming was founded in 1967 by a British farmer who became horrified by the development of modern, intensive factory farming. Today we campaign peacefully to end all cruel factory farming practices. We believe that the biggest cause of cruelty on the planet deserves a focused, s... Read more




Org chart

Philip Lymbery
Global CEO

Philip Lymbery

Kathryn Flanagan
Chief Operating Officer
Andy C.
Global Head Of IT At Compassion In World Farming
Charlotte Reid
Global Head Of Communications (campaigns & Advocacy)
Dave Beynon
Global Head Of Digital
Eirini Pitsilidi
Global Head Of International Affairs
Dario Manuli
Vice President - CIWF Italia Onlus
Gail Johns
Global Human Resources Manager
Candice Chavalier
Administrative Assistant To Global CEO
Nicola Wheatley
Executive Assistant To Global CEO
Bhuvaneshwari Gupta
Global Senior Campaigns Manager
Georgina Lardner-Price
Global Income And Accounts Receivable Manager
Susie Aliband
Senior UK Campaigns Manager