Daniel L. Hodges

Board Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder at Comsovereign

Prior to his tenure with the Company, Mr. Hodges founded and acted as Chairman for Transform-X, Inc., the former holder of our DragonWave-X and Lextrum subsidiaries. Mr. Hodges also served as founder and Chief Executive Officer of, Medusa Scientific LLC, a science and engineering research and development company. Mr. Hodges has an extraordinary business development mind-set, strong investigative research experience and deep experience within both the commercial sector and the U.S. Department of Defense and related areas. In addition to his commercial successes, Lieutenant Colonel Hodges served for 26 years as a military member, spending his last 18 years in service as a senior flight instructor with the Air National Guard and retired in September 2014. Mr. Hodges holds multiple U.S. Patents as inventor including a “Method and System for a Grass Roots Intelligence Program” along with numerous radar and communications and radar related technologies. As an author he wrote and published a volume titled “Future Span” covering current and future U.S. energy paradigms. As the founder and leader of multiple enterprises, he has built organizations from inception that included subsidiaries covering focus areas of Aerospace, Marine, Communications, and Scientific R&D.