Anaïs Beddard

Policy Advisor at Cornucopia Institute

Anaïs Bedard is the second generation at the helm of Lady Moon Farms. The farm was founded in 1988 by her parents with a dream to grow healthy, delicious produce for their children and community while respecting mother nature. What started out as a dream and 10 rented acres has grown to encompass nearly 3000 acres across Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Florida. Lady Moon Farms has always been 100% organic and focused on building the soil which leads to healthy plants, healthy people, and a healthy planet.

Anaïs grew up on a farm. She spent her childhood in the greenhouse and their original “packhouse”, which happened to be a forest clearing in the woods. Her summers were passed working in the fields, packinghouse, and eventually the office where she began to learn about the business side of the operation. She found her own success outside of farming by utilizing her finance degree but listened to a call to return in 2015 to continue her parent’s legacy. She is committed to real organic farming and responsible stewardship of their land. She proudly fulfills an obligation her parents instilled in her to leave the land in a better condition for future generations.

She is immersed in all aspects of the business, but to this point has focused on increased efficiency in labor and expense tracking and practices continual process improvement for their multi-state year-round farms. Anaïs also serves on the executive board of the Real Organic Project.


  • Policy Advisor

    Current role

  • Policy Advisors Board President & Treasurer