Nahia A.

HR Assistant at CorWave

Nahia A. has a diverse work experience starting in 2006 as a dance teacher and dancer for various companies until 2012. In 2015, they worked as a cashier for Giorgio Armani until 2017. Then, from 2017 to 2018, they worked as a Client Advisor for Louis Vuitton. After that, they were employed as a trilingual receptionist at Sanofi from 2018 to 2019. From 2019 to 2022, they worked as a Marketing and Sales assistant for Abbott. Currently, Nahia is working as an HR Assistant at Corwave, starting in November 2022.

Nahia A. has a diverse education history with a focus on various fields. In 2008 to 2011, they attended the Conservatoire de danse Scaena Carmen Roche - Victor Ullate, where they obtained a Diploma privé Danse Moderne in Formation des enseignants de danse et arts dramatiques. From 2011 to 2012, Nahia A. studied at La Urban Danse Factory/ Area Espai de dansa, specializing in dance. In 2012 to 2014, they pursued a Brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS) in Gestion des services de tourisme et voyages at IES Xavier Zubiri Manteo BHI. Most recently, from 2022 to 2023, Nahia A. completed a Bachelor's degree in Gestion des ressources humaines / administration du personnel, général at ESAGE - L'école des Assistants & des Ressources Humaines.


Previous companies

Louis Vuitton logo
Sanofi logo


  • HR Assistant

    November, 2022 - present

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