Courchesne Larose Ltd.


International import and distribution of Fresh fruits and Vegetable since 1918. Located in Montreal, specialized in full line of produce; Citrus, Bananas, Grapes, Apples and pears and so many more... Importation internationale et distribution de fruits et légumes frais depuis 1918. Situé a Mont... Read more

Org chart

Michael Aucoin
Chief Executive Officer

Michael Aucoin

Alessandro Petrella
Transportation Coordinator - Marine And Chains
Charles - Olivier Routhier
Sales Representative
Isabelle Gu
Assistant Buyer
Mathieu Rochefort - Vézina
Sales Representative
Renush Elaiyathamby
Buyer And Sales Representative
Van Sengdara
Administrative Purchasing Agent
Jean-Pierre Beaulieu
Vice-président Ti, CIO
Omar Majd
Directeur Des Technologies Et De La Sécurité, CTO & CISO
Denis Pageau
Vice-président Exécutif
Guillermo V.