CS Energy


CS Energy is a proudly Queensland-owned and based energy company that provides power to some of our state’s biggest industries and employers. We employ more than 600 people who live and work in the Queensland communities where we operate. We generate and sell electricity, we are an energy retailer... Read more

Org chart

Darren Busine's profile picture
Darren Busine
Chief Executive Officer
Profile photo

Darren Busine

Julie Farrer's profile picture
Julie Farrer
Chief Information Officer
Pauline Elliott Gaicd's profile picture
Pauline Elliott Gaicd
Head Of Commercial Partnerships
Michael Lynch's profile picture
Michael Lynch
Head Of Energy And Financial Risk
Tom Gregg's profile picture
Tom Gregg
Head Of Trading And Analytics
Kim Best's profile picture
Kim Best
Head Of Human Resources
Brett Clark's profile picture
Brett Clark
Head Of Customer And Retail Growth
Dana Jackson
Executive Assistant To Chief Executive Officer
Brendan Monckton
Head Of Environment
Maurie Brennan
Non-executive Director
Gradcert Appfin
Non-executive Director