The Laboratory Technicians Team at CSI Laboratories comprises diverse specialists such as Molecular Technologists, Digital Lab Analysts, Histologists, and Cytogenetic Technologists. This team is responsible for conducting and analyzing a wide range of advanced cancer diagnostic tests, including molecular diagnostics, flow cytometry, and genetic analysis. They ensure accurate and timely test results, which are critical for personalized patient care and collaboration with pathologists across the United States.
April Motley
IHC Technician Research & Deve...
Chandler Dillon
Medical Technologist Flow Cyto...
Chelsey Griffin
Cytogenetics Tech Trainee
Evan York
Cytogenetic Technologist
Jessica Cole
Molecular Technologist
Kaye Siragusa
FISH Report Writer
Lori W.
Molecular Technologist
Mohammad Barry
Simone Dakare
Cytogenetic Technologist
T.c. Berger
Digital Lab Analyst
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