CSI Laboratories


CSI Laboratories is a cancer diagnostics company known for providing high-quality testing, medical consultations, and around the clock client support. The CSI medical team works closely with pathologists across the United States, enabling them to provide their clinicians and patients the timely and... Read more

Org chart

Aurelia Meloni - Ehrig's profile picture
Aurelia Meloni - Ehrig
Aurelia Meloni-ehrig, Phd, Dsc - Chief Genetics Director
Profile photo

Aurelia Meloni - Ehrig

Amir Hammami's profile picture
Amir Hammami
MD - Medical Director
Ankita Patel's profile picture
Ankita Patel
Phd - Senior Genetics Director
Caroline An's profile picture
Caroline An
MD - Associate Director, Hematopathology
Kevin Goudy's profile picture
Kevin Goudy
Phd, D(abmli) - Director, Molecular Diagnostics
Mary Haddadin's profile picture
Mary Haddadin
MD - Senior Cytogenetic Director
Simone Dakare's profile picture
Simone Dakare
Cytogenetic Technologist